Who we are

Empowering Native American youth to lead with purpose and identity.

Expanding Horizons is a student-driven, Western Native Voice (WNV) steered program, which brings together high school students from across Montana to champion the preservation of tribal identity and culture and foster relationships between tribal and urban Native Americans.

Upcoming Events

Youth Student Middle School & High School Boards

Are you a Native student in Montana with a passion for leadership and community? We are excited to announce the formation of our Expanding Horizons Youth Student Board!

Who Can Apply?

We are forming two different boards:

  • Middle School Students
  • High School Students


  • Develop Leadership Skills
  • Voice Your Opinions
  • Connect with Peers

How to Apply

Details coming soon. Start thinking about how you can contribute to your community and why you should be part of this exciting opportunity.

Together, we can build a brighter future.

Yearly Events

Our Programs

We bring together high school students from across Montana to champion the preservation of tribal identity and culture while creating leaders through our four programs of civic education, leadership development, civic engagement, and public policy advocacy.

Along with our four programs, students will experience the following:

  • Motivational Speakers
  • Hands-on Learning
  • Cultural Identity Workshops
  • Mental Health & Wellness
  • Traditional Games & Activities
  • Native American History
  • Field Trips & More